About Me

Your content marketing BFF

Hey you, you amazing kick-ass business owner – I’m Tasmin Lofthouse 👋, the person behind Fika Digital. I’m a freelance content marketer, copywriter, and your new business best friend.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved to write. Team that with working in marketing for 8+ years, running my own blog, getting a first-class Psychology degree where *ahem* I was top of my class in Consumer Psychology, and you could say I’m a bit of a content marketing nerd.

And so, after a squiggly marketing career and a foray into the freelance world, Fika Digital was born.

Focused on connection, community, and curiosity, I’m here to make your business shine online through the powers of social media, content marketing, and copywriting.

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What is Fika?

If you’re wondering where the name Fika comes from, pull up a seat and let me tell you the story behind Fika Digital.

The Swedish word Fika can be roughly translated into English as a “coffee and cake break”.

But it’s more than that.

Fika is an attitude and state of mind… a ritual. Fika is about slowing down, spending time with people, and recharging your brain.

The result?

Better productivity, deeper connections, and increased happiness.

Much like what I aim to achieve when working on your brand content.

It’s all about that sweet, sweet psychology.

Whenever I write copy for your brand (be it for social media, landing pages, blogs, emails, or something else), I’m tapping into the electrifying powers of psychology and community. I’m crafting content fuelled by human connection.

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Am I right for you?

Choosing a marketing partner is a *big* deal, I won’t lie. That’s why it’s important that you choose a partner that is perfect for you. 

Want to know if I am right for you? Go ahead and read the below list. If you find yourself nodding your head to even one of these statements, I just might be the marketing best friend you’ve been looking for…

✔️ You want to grow your business but don’t have the resources or know-how to do so

✔️ You are wearing one (or ten!) too many hats and are ready to outsource your marketing to an expert

✔️ You love trying new things and always looking for ways to further innovate and develop your brand

✔️ You have been posting to social media or your blog with no strategy, rhyme, or reason

✔️ Your business just isn’t being seen by the right people and you’re feeling deflated

✔️ You recognise the power of marketing but just don’t have time for it

My Core Values

My work as a content marketer and copywriter is powered by the four core values that lay at the heart of everything I do…

Gone For A Swim

Working with Tasmin has been one of the best investments I have made”

“Working with Tasmin has been one of the best investments I have made.

Tasmin really took the time to understand my business and what was important to me and took a genuine interest in my business and the industry I work in. She has helped me understand how to use social media more effectively and create a strategy for content and posting.

I feel much more confident now to create content and post regularly and have learnt so much. I’m glad I made the decision to invest in her expertise.”



Get ready to shine online

Ready to take your business to the next level?

If you’re ready to free up time to become your most ambitious self and tap into the limitless potential of your business, it’s time for us to talk.

Not everyone loves writing social media posts, working on website copy, or crafting blog articles — but I do!

Invest in your content marketing and learn how to push through the marketing roadblocks, fears, and skill gaps that are stopping you from taking your business to the next level.

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